Compassionate Communication
But, hoooowwwww? Are you so stuck in a communication loop with your partner? Can you just not, for the life of you, figure out how to hear each other? If thats the case, stay tuned. I’m going to show you how to slow down. (psssssst. & it works).
The issue in a relationship is that you aren’t hearing your partner because your protective mechanisms are going into fixing, solving, & defending WHEN your partner is speaking. Therefore, your partner is left more frustrated because as you respond, you don’t actually respond to what they say. Instead, you share your defense because your mind wasn’t really hearing them anyway.
So, first you need some rules. If these rules aren’t followed, you are immediately notified that you should take a 30 minute break to both personally regulate before trying again.
Foundational Rules:
No interruption: One person speaks at a time
No blaming: Use “I” statements
No yelling: Calm & Concise shares
No stories: Be open to creating a new interaction
No overriding: Share the floor & switch the speaker
Work with me and gain the true experience of compassionate communication. I will teach you the real way to imply this technique in real-time. I can support you in building the muscle of truly slowing down and hearing.
Ready to come back to love?