Emotions Keeping you Stuck: Energy Blocked from Motion

Feeling blocked? It’s your emotions. Suppression of emotions is covertly encouraged by society which leaves us feeling like a burden when wanting to share anything vulnerable with anyone. We are all walking around stuffed with emotion but unsure of where and how to let it out.

Here, Rachel will talk about the Guide to Be views on why holistic: mind, body, spirit & community integration is crucial for true emotional healing & transformation. We will address the importance of: 1. Consistent & Intentional Movement, 2. Purposeful & Reciprocal Self-Expression, & 3. Creating [blank] Space for Silence & Introspection.


Movement is not just for physicality and appearance. As we all know, movement allows us to boost endorphins & serotonin that boost our happiness, allow for relaxation & reduce our stress (which we all need extra support with in this world). Therefore, when we approach movement as soley a physical act, we miss the juicy opportunity to intentional release emotions at a deeper level. Similarly, when we treat our workouts as only a physical PUSH, we miss this beautiful and necessary attunement with what our body is truly saying to us.

So, let’s get right to it - 3 tips:

  1. Attunement to Somatic Body

    • How am I truly feeling? What is my body craving? What sensations do you notice? Where do you feel the most present emotions in your body right now? Where is the energy the most potent?

  2. Intention Set to The Power of Movement

    • What do I want to attain by the end of this movement (no matter how long or how short)? How do I want to feel: in my body & my mind? Can you boil down your intention to one word or feeling that will keep you in tune with yourself & motivated?

  3. Then, Consistency

    • It is up to you to carve out time to move, even if it is only 10 minutes some days with intentionality. Your body needs to learn to trust that you will move it so it will respond to the safety & security you are giving it.

In order to set your emotions in motion, MOVE. This is self-care.


In order to move the energy, it also has to be expressed from a place of authenticity & power. How do you express yourself? What sets your soul on fire? What makes you truly feel alive? THIS is what life is about: feeling alive. Yet, somewhere along the way we learned that life was about being logistic, making money, being realistic, & getting sh*t done. How much can you accomplish & how well can you do it?

Nonetheless, CREATIVITY is important here. In order to set your energy in motion, you must find creative outlets where you can share & shine that which is inside of you. I believe “often, the thing we fear the most is ourselves.” -Rachel Jackson, MA, MFT

So, 3 Reminders:

  1. You don’t have to be Perfect

    • We fall short of the need to self-express because we fear it will be judged. We fear we aren’t good enough. We fear we aren’t perfect - because there are people better than us at this form of self-expression. This is where we go wrong. Self-expression isn’t about what it looks like. The intention is only about YOU & how you feel. Express because you’re interested in this thing: dancing, singing, painting, learning, speaking, acting, comedy, ceramics, chess, making clothes, you name it. If you’re interested in it, dabble in expressing your soul through it. Let the expression flow through you.

  2. Self Expression is Fluid

    • Your form of self-expression can change. In fact it SHOULD change. Period. Don’t pigeon hole yourself. Our expression flows like water. At times it will look one way, at times your soul, your body, your emotions need it to look different - with different softness, hardness, intensity, strength, messiness & beyond. Hold space for it all & tune in.

  3. Use your Aliveness as your Curser

    • What would make me feel alive right now? Listen & act on that. That’s all I have to say. Time to feel more ALIVE.


Create the d*mn space. Emotions cannot move when you’re stuffing yourself within a box with no time to BREATHE, MOVE, FEEL, LISTEN. What space are you creating in your life? Do you time time ALONE? Do you have time in SILENCE? Do you even give yourself time to things to change for you? Or is life so FULL that theres no space for it to even change?

More importantly, the blocker to creating space is fear. Fear of failure. Fear of emotions that are uncomfortable. Fear of facing yourself. Fear of not being accepted. Fear of rejection. Fear of being unloved or feeling unworthy.

These fears need to be addressed in order for you to get to where you want in life. Talk about suppressing emotions by not creating space for them to move through you & be felt.

Important notes:

  1. Emotions will only get more INTENSE when they are suppressed

  2. Filling up your time will not make these emotions disappear

  3. Discomfort with being alone with yourself or being in silence is your Red Flag

Often, the thing we fear the most is ourselves.
— Rachel Jackson, MA, MFT

Is this you?

Let your e-motions be in motion. Move. Express. Create Space.

Schedule with me at Guide to Be to get unstuck & allow these emotions to move through you so you can finally transform in the direction of your best life.


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